Oded Margalit's HomePage

Head Scientist at NextSilicon
An adjunct professor in the department of Computer Science at Ben-Gurion University; and
A member of the Israeli Ministry of Education's CS committee

Research interests

Love riddles, computer programming competitions (CodeGuru and IEEEXtreme), Machine Learning, cyber-security research.


July 14th 2024: Talk at Tel Aviv University Computer Science Colloquium
May 1st, 2024: NextSilicon talk at Weizmann AMOTech club
May 14th, 2023: AI Ethics & Regulations, C20 and Panel
Apr 9th, 2022: Wrong Mathematical Proofs for Possibly Correct Claims, G4G14
Feb 28th, 2021: Cyber, Zefat Academic College
Dec 3rd, 2020: Tour of Turing's exhibition in Science Museum, researcher's night
Feb 27th, 2018: Hosting talk about Capture The Flag (CTF)
June 13th, 2018: What to teach? talk at the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities
October 13th, 2010: Information warfare conference Tel Aviv University (Hebrew)